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BBQ party and High cascade super park 3rd day

The Lodge was turned into an open air theatre and BBQ area last night for the High cascade Super Park BBQ party. The riders managed to get a fairly early night which couldn’t be said for some of the other partygoers.

After a quick Morino heli scout of the back range for future lines the riders started strutting their stuff on the jumps. 13 year old Kadono Yuki was really impressive. Possibly a new Japanese Shaun white in the making. He’s already up there at the top professional level in Japan and he’s still got the best years ahead of him – One to watch. 36 year old Veteran rider Yoshino Michihiko was going huge on the hip, using the whole length of the hip and almost going into orbit.

Towards the end multiple riders were hitting the jumps in tandem and the last run was a free for all with all riders going in unison.

Thanks to Happo Kaihatsu, Igari-san & the High cascade team and all the riders who came together to make it a great event!


